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Advantages of using Social Media in the Recruitment Process

Is your business hiring? Are you using your social media channels as part of your recruitment process? Here’s why you should!

Let’s be real for a second… Almost everyone has been on social media at some point in their life. Social media is such a large part of people’s lives. So it makes sense that employment recruitment would be part of the large world of social media as well!

Your social media followers are often interested in the products and services you sell. Many are personally experienced or knowledgeable in your industry. So it makes perfect sense that you could use your social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn – to advertise employment opportunities.

Keep in mind that your social recruiting doesn’t stop at posting your job ads on Facebook. Every post you publish on your page isn’t trying to sell something. Your social recruiting should be the same way! By posting about the type of people who work for you or what you’re looking for in team members, you are sharing your Employer Brand!

Are you sharing photos of your company get-togethers or sharing your employees’ recent promotion?  It’s time to start. Posts that show the behind-the-scenes of your business spark an interest in your followers as they feel like they are part of the insider team. Not only that, but it also causes candidates to start thinking about how cool working for you would be – even before you post a job listing.

What are some specific advantages to using social media for your recruitment process?

  1. You’re able to get an immediate response.
  2. Using Social Media is FREE.
  3. You can reach a wider spectrum of individuals.
  4. Your employment ads will drive traffic to your site – that’s always a bonus!
  5. It allows you the opportunity to provide a personal touch.
  6. Social media tools allow you to target and engage with a specific audience and easily identify whether the candidate is a good fit for the company!
  7. Using social media is a great way to get referrals and increases the chances of a mutual fit!

Are you using social media for your recruitment process? It’s not too late to start!


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