Decreasing Costs of Social Media Campaigns

You’re walking down the street when someone you’ve never met asks if you’d like to buy a t-shirt. You’ve never met the person before in your life. You don’t know who they are. No one has ever mentioned this person selling t-shirts here. So, you decline the offer and walk on by.

Don’t get me wrong… It’s a NICE t-shirt. Looks like good quality. Nice design. It’s even one of those soft t-shirts. But you have no idea what the reputation is of this person. You have no idea if the t-shirt really is good quality. Maybe it’ll fade or tear in the wash after the first time.

This might seem like a random situation, but yet it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY online.

Businesses and brands attempt to sell to people they have no rapport with. They’re paying big bucks to get their brands in front of new people in hopes that the consumers will click and buy.

These same businesses and brands are often left feeling discouraged because the ROI of their ads doesn’t seem to make it worthwhile.

Today we’re going to talk about how relationship building, and retargeting can decrease the cost of your ad spend and social media campaigns.

Let’s start with what you can do for free – Organic Social Media.

This is when you’re posting high quality and engaging content consistently. Instead of pushing out promotions, you’re working to establish conversations and relationships with your followers.

You’re asking questions. You’re entertaining your followers. You’re providing value.

By moving the focus from “marketing” to your audience to starting conversations, you’re going to find better results and your brand will stay in the minds of your followers’ long term.

Let’s go back to the t-shirt man on the street. You walk past him every single day for a month. Each day he says hi. You say hi back because you’re polite. After about a week, he starts asking how your day is. By the end of the month, you’re shouting “HEY BOB!” as you walk up to him and you’re looking forward to your daily conversation.

That’s when he asks – Hey, I sell t-shirts – they’re amazing quality and are made locally. Would you like to purchase one?


Retargeting is the key to decreasing your ad spend. This is when you take people who have engaged with your audience in some way online and send out advertisements to them specifically.

There are so many different ways that you can retarget – and we do this by creating custom audiences within your business manager.

You can access your business manager by going to and then selecting Audiences from the top menu. You’ll select “Create Audience” and then “Custom Audience.”

You will then see a screen similar to this – that gives you options to import the data allowing you to retarget.

Website Traffic:

A Facebook pixel is a tiny piece of code that you can install across your site. With this pixel installed, you can retarget anyone who visits your website. You can create custom audiences from people who have visited your site as a whole, or just specific pages!

App Activity:

You can create an audience from people who have launched your app or who have taken a specific option within the app – such as making a purchase!

Customer List:

Upload your email list or the email list of your current customers.

Offline Activity:

You can remarket to people who have come into your store or location, called over the phone or has interacted with your brand in other offline channels.


This is one of our favourites. You can create a custom audience based on people who have viewed your videos in the past – whether it be one specific video or a combination of videos!

Lead Form:

Create a custom audience of people who have filled out a lead form from your brand.

Instant Experience

Create a custom audience of individuals who have opened your instant experience on Facebook or Instagram.

Instagram Business Profile:

You can create an audience from people who have engaged with your Instagram account – but ONLY if your account is a business account.


You can create a custom audience based on people who have engaged with one of your Facebook events.


Just like Instagram, you can create an audience form people who have engaged with your Facebook page.

Once you have your custom audiences created, you can select the audience within the targeting section when running your ads. Your ad copy and creative (the written content and graphics) and be created in a way that you show that you know they’re familiar with your brand.

What a great way for your ad to stand out against other ads while taking a more personal approach!

By creating custom audiences and retargeting to audiences that are already familiar with your brand, you can decrease the cost of ad spend by 40%! Imagine how much further your ad spend budget would go, simply by being strategic in how you’re marketing.

If you’d like to see how this strategy can work for your brand specifically, we’d love to chat with you. You can book a free 15-minute discovery call HERE.

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