We’ve spent hours reading stories of how social media was used out of context and caused brands a lot of pain, followers and money.
The moral of the story – Anyone (brands big and small) can make a mistake.
Let’s learn from their mistakes, shall we?
Chrysler makes beautiful commercials. They’ve created a brand around the true image for the recovery of Detroit. So imagine the surprise their devoted followers found when an employee from New Media Strategies sent out a tweet on the automakers Twitter feed.
“I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the motorcity and yet no one here knows how to f***ing drive.”
All the hard work of previous branding was wiped out in one quick moment when this tweet insulted the very same city that they have been building up.
The firm’s PR department suffered greatly before promptly firing the sender of the R-Rated tweet. Needless to say, Chrysler did not renew its contract.
The lesson here? Be sure your social media messages are consistent.
Read more of this story here.