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The Inside Scoop on Influencers

Are you unsure of the next step for your brand or product? Have you noticed on your own Instagram feed the number of people with the hashtag #ad in a post or on their story? Social media influencers are taking the world by storm and when done correctly, working wonders for brands! It may be time to add this to your marketing mix.

An influencer is someone that sways or can affect another buying decision. Let’s bring that into the social media world. We live in a world that revolves almost completely around social media and social media is ALWAYS changing. So how do you keep up? For example, Instagram has 800 million daily users, Facebook has 1.37 billion, and Twitter has 330 million. This is most likely where your audience is spending their free time.

It’s best to use this information to your advantage. With the numbers of users, you can’t deny that the place to put your product or brand is on these platforms. You can take the normal route and advertise or you can use an influencer to break up the many advertising posts that your audience is seeing. Studies have shown that social media users are more willing to trust and engage with friends, family, and social media connections. Users want those real-life connections and relationships.

How can you use social media influencers to your advantage? You need to ensure to spend time researching who your audience is and who will represent your brand well. They key is to be very brand specific. It shouldn’t feel like a huge break in what the user is currently publishing in their feed. You want it to flow.

Another key is to always stay true to your brand. This will ease your influencer search and create loyalty with your current fans!

The addition of influencers to your current strategy could be just what you need to set yourself in front of your ideal audience! What are you waiting for!


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