If you are growing your business, wanting to save time, or need help increasing the skillset of your business, you should look into hiring someone to help you achieve those goals. It used to be that your only option was to hire an employee. However, thanks to the internet and modern-day technology, there are now much cheaper and more convenient options available. There is now the world of virtual assistance where you can hire someone from anywhere in the world to work virtually for you. This blog post will go over five benefits of hiring a virtual assistant over hiring an employee.
- You Save Money
One of the biggest benefits of hiring a virtual assistant over an employee is that you will save money. Virtual assistants are independent contractors and are not considered employees as they work for themselves. This means that they pay for their computer, internet, office space, and office supplies. They also pay for tax deductions, holiday pay, sick leave, and health benefits. You will also save money on payroll costs, worker’s compensation, office space, and more. These are some of the many hidden costs of hiring an employee. As you can see, hiring an employee can be expensive, and in fact, an employee’s hourly rate can be half their true cost!
Another money-saving aspect of hiring a virtual assistant is that you can hire them for as long as you need them. Or in other words, you do not have to give them a job for years to come. Maybe you only need someone in the short term or a few hours a month. You have this option when hiring a virtual assistant. You only pay them for the work that you need and nothing else.
- Little to No Wasted Time
Another aspect to consider is that employees may sometimes waste time at work. Whereas when hiring a VA, they only track the hours that they are working. You are not paying for breaks, socializing, or wasted time. When you have an employee, you might end up having to try and fill their scheduled hours with things to do. Whereas with a virtual assistant, there is no need to do this as they will only be tracking hours when there are things to be done.
- You Are Not Limited to Local Talent
Another benefit of hiring a virtual assistant rather than an employee is that you are not limited to local talent. Having the ability to hire someone from anywhere in the world with an internet connection means that you can find someone with the right skills and personality for you and your business.
- Increase the Skill Set of Your Business
Virtual assistants offer specialized skills and may be able to do a task in a fraction of the time that you or an employee can accomplish it. Rather than spending the time trying to figure out how to do something yourself, it is likely a better value for your time and money to hire a virtual assistant who is highly skilled at the task you want to accomplish. Doing so will increase your business’s skillset, save time, and help you reach your business goals faster.
- Spend Less Time Training
Virtual assistants are skilled professionals, and therefore, you are likely going to spend much less time training them than you would an employee. Virtual assistants are typically hired for a specific skill set that they already have, and therefore will get up to speed much more quickly. You will likely only have to train them on your particular methods and goals in your business. This means that you will save both time and money on training.
Due to the virtual nature of the work, you will be saving time on training. You can pre-record a training video ahead of time and get any future virtual assistants you hire to watch it on their own time. Unlike hiring an employee, you do not have to find a time to meet up with them to train them in person.
If you require on-site staff at specific hours, then you probably need to hire an employee. However, if the work can be done virtually on a flexible schedule, then a virtual assistant will be a great option for you.
Need more help hiring a VA? Download our free guide on Questions to Ask When Hiring a VA.